List of countries by dietary calorie intake

The food consumption refers to the amount of food available for human consumption as estimated by the FAO Food Balance Sheets. However the actual food consumption may be lower than the quantity shown as food availability depending on the magnitude of wastage and losses of food in the household, e.g. during storage, in preparation and cooking, as plate-waste or quantities fed to domestic animals and pets, thrown or given away.[2]

Country Dietary Energy Consumption (2005-07)[3]
kcal/person/day kJ/person/day
 United States of America 3,770 15,770
 Austria 3,760 15,730
 Greece 3,700 15,480
 Belgium 3,690 15,440
 Luxembourg 3,690 15,440
 Italy 3,660 15,310
 Malta 3,590 15,020
 Portugal 3,580 14,980
 France 3,550 14,850
 Israel 3,540 14,810
 Canada 3,530 14,770
 Germany 3,530 14,770
 Ireland 3,530 14,770
 Romania 3,510 14,690
 Turkey 3,480 14,560
 Norway 3,460 14,480
 Brazil 3,456 14,460
 Hungary 3,440 14,390
 United Kingdom 3,440 14,390
 Lithuania 3,420 14,310
 Switzerland 3,420 14,310
 Denmark 3,400 14,230
 Poland 3,400 14,230
 Kazakhstan 3,360 14,060
 Iceland 3,330 13,930
 Czech Republic 3,320 13,890
 Tunisia 3,310 13,850
 Cuba 3,300 13,810
 Russian Federation 3,270 13,680
 Spain 3,270 13,680
 Mexico 3,250 13,600
 Netherlands 3,240 13,560
 Morocco 3,230 13,510
 Ukraine 3,230 13,510
 Finland 3,220 13,470
 Slovenia 3,220 13,470
 Cyprus 3,200 13,390
 Australia 3,190 13,350
 Egypt 3,160 13,220
 New Zealand 3,150 13,180
 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 3,140 13,140
 United Arab Emirates 3,140 13,140
 Estonia 3,130 13,100
 Saudi Arabia 3,130 13,100
 Sweden 3,120 13,050
 Algeria 3,110 13,010
 Dominica 3,110 13,010
 Lebanon 3,110 13,010
 Belarus 3,090 12,930
 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,080 12,890
 Republic of Korea 3,070 12,840
 Barbados 3,050 12,760
 Syrian Arab Republic 3,050 12,760
 Iran 3,040 12,720
 Kuwait 3,040 12,720
 Fiji 3,030 12,680
 Latvia 3,020 12,640
 Argentina 3,000 12,550
 Azerbaijan 3,000 12,550
 Brunei Darussalam 2,990 12,510
 Croatia 2,990 12,510
 South Africa 2,990 12,510
 Jordan 2,980 12,470
 Macedonia 2,980 12,470
 China 2,970 12,430
 Netherlands Antilles 2,970 12,430
 Chile 2,960 12,380
 Mauritius 2,940 12,300
 French Polynesia 2,920 12,220
 Malaysia 2,910 12,180
 Republic of Moldova 2,910 12,180
 Albania 2,900 12,130
 Kiribati 2,890 12,090
 Samoa 2,880 12,050
 Slovakia 2,880 12,050
 Ghana 2,850 11,920
 Jamaica 2,850 11,920
 Mauritania 2,820 11,800
 Uruguay 2,820 11,800
 Costa Rica 2,810 11,760
 Georgia 2,810 11,760
 Japan 2,810 11,760
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2,810 11,760
 New Caledonia 2,790 11,670
 Viet Nam 2,770 11,590
 Bulgaria 2,760 11,550
 Guyana 2,750 11,510
 Turkmenistan 2,750 11,510
 Saint Lucia 2,740 11,460
 Gabon 2,730 11,420
 Belize 2,720 11,380
 Vanuatu 2,720 11,380
 Nigeria 2,710 11,340
 Serbia and Montenegro 2,710 11,340
 Trinidad and Tobago 2,710 11,340
 Bahamas 2,700 11,300
 Maldives 2,680 11,210
 Burkina Faso 2,670 11,170
 Kyrgyzstan 2,670 11,170
 Colombia 2,660 11,130
 Sao Tome and Principe 2,660 11,130
 Paraguay 2,620 10,960
 Venezuela 2,610 10,920
 Honduras 2,600 10,880
 El Salvador 2,590 10,840
 Mali 2,580 10,790
 Cape Verde 2,550 10,670
 Bermuda 2,540 10,630
 Indonesia 2,540 10,630
 Guinea 2,530 10,590
 Thailand 2,530 10,590
 Uzbekistan 2,530 10,590
 Philippines 2,520 10,540
 Benin 2,510 10,500
 Congo 2,510 10,500
 Côte d'Ivoire 2,510 10,500
 Lesotho 2,470 10,330
 Suriname 2,470 10,330
 Panama 2,450 10,250
 Saint Kitts and Nevis 2,450 10,250
 Myanmar 2,440 10,210
 Peru 2,430 10,170
 Seychelles 2,430 10,170
 Solomon Islands 2,430 10,170
 Grenada 2,420 10,130
 Nicaragua 2,400 10,040
 Sri Lanka 2,390 10,000
 Gambia 2,350 9,830
 Namibia 2,350 9,830
 Nepal 2,350 9,830
 Antigua and Barbuda 2,320 9,710
 Senegal 2,320 9,710
 Niger 2,310 9,670
 Swaziland 2,310 9,670
 Ecuador 2,300 9,620
 India 2,300 9,620
 Guinea-Bissau 2,290 9,580
 Sudan 2,270 9,500
 Cameroon 2,260 9,460
 Djibouti 2,260 9,460
 Dominican Republic 2,260 9,460
 Armenia 2,250 9,410
 Bangladesh 2,250 9,410
 Cambodia 2,250 9,410
 Mongolia 2,250 9,410
 Pakistan 2,250 9,410
 Uganda 2,250 9,410
 Botswana 2,240 9,370
 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2,230 9,330
 Zimbabwe 2,210 9,250
 Guatemala 2,170 9,080
 Liberia 2,160 9,040
 Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2,150 9,000
 Togo 2,150 9,000
 Madagascar 2,130 8,910
 Malawi 2,130 8,910
 Palestine 2,130 8,910
 Sierra Leone 2,130 8,910
 Tajikistan 2,130 8,910
 Bolivia 2,090 8,740
 Mozambique 2,070 8,660
 Kenya 2,060 8,620
 Rwanda 2,050 8,580
 Chad 2,040 8,540
 Yemen 2,030 8,490
 Timor-Leste 2,020 8,450
 United Republic of Tanzania 2,020 8,450
 Central African Republic 1,960 8,200
 Angola 1,950 8,160
 Ethiopia 1,950 8,160
 Zambia 1,890 7,910
 Comoros 1,860 7,780
 Haiti 1,850 7,740
 Burundi 1,680 7,030
 Democratic Republic of the Congo 1,590 6,650
 Eritrea 1,590 6,650

See Also
